
Showing posts from December, 2018

I am MAX in Ponteo Activity Park

Slovak startup HotelioHub came to market with amazing new feature, which brings hoteliers’ attention beyond the Slovakia. Creators of successful solution introduce the application “I am MAX”, smart & witty assistant. Forget the leaflets in lobby, in elevator, or tons of paper on the hotel room. Who pays attention to these marketing materials? Frankly – not us. That’s why we decided to create hotel assistant MAX, smart and witty polar bear. We summarize our rich experiences based on years of traveling, and technological and management backgrounds. As more than 97,5% travelers currently own a mobile device, MAX is always here for hotel guests. Ready to please them 24/7. Missing article at the room? What time is the breakfast? What time is the pool closing? What’s the seasonal menu? What to do around? Easy! MAX knows it all! And he’s more than happy to share all the tips & information. Our goal is to provide more effective way of promoting hotel facilities & benefits