I am MAX is getting bigger

Good news everyone!

Our team has been constantly working on new business opportunities, improving the product and impressing the existing hotel clients with great work. As our sales activities started to spread all around the world, hard work started to pay off! So today we are excited to announce team I am MAX is getting bigger during this magical period of the year. Let us introduce you a new member that joined our team over past months.

David Zelinko, Sales & Digital Manager

With extensive experience as B2B sales, online marketing & automation, David joined I am MAX as Sales & Digital Manager in November 2018. We absolutely love his enthusiastic approach! Since coming aboard just two months ago he accepted the challenge and already prepared detailed strategic sales plan that helps expand customer base across hotel market. Prior to joining I am MAX, David has worked as the Head of Sales Development at company Pygmalios, creating sales development and marketing strategies to approach top retail companies. He has earned his experiences also from sales and growth hacking projects for many technological companies. David loves to workout, travel and explore new cultures.

We wish him the best of luck and look forward to our future working with him!


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